Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rubbing Scratches Out of Your Glass Watches?

Rubbing Scratches Out of Your Glass Watches?

It is a nuisance or a headache to have a scratch on your beloved time-piece. It is a distraction and also a constant reminder to you that your precious watch needs attention. This makes you feel guilty. But don't lose hope, as the plastic screens ready in the store today are easier to restore. Your watch will look its very best if you change the glass and polish it meticulously.

Start the cleaning process by pushing from the inside. It is easy but care should be taken while doing it as a microscopic pressure could damage your precious timepiece. Tools like the Dremels tend to apply pressure and they build heat at a very short interval of time which results in cracks which are difficult to repair. If you are unsure or a microscopic hesitant to remove the outer crystal; just dab a microscopic Vaseline or grease to polish the outer surface. The extra Vaseline can be removed or erased by using a microscopic rubbing alcohol.


Another polishing process you can try is- Take a 600 grit sandpaper and sand at a 90 degree angle perpendicular to the direction of the scratch. By doing this you try to blend out the scratch. In case the screen is flat, try to sand the whole flat screen on a similar face a bit aggressively. This will also bring a glow and shine on the face of your watch.

Most watchmakers prefer 1200-2000 grit sandpaper to be used as in the above mentioned process. This sandpaper is super fine and they can be obtained at auto parts store because the auto paint close coats are ordinarily acrylic plastic which are similar to the material found in our watches. A microscopic water can be used to moisten the papers, as these materials are ordinarily waterproof. These sheets can be reused. Displex, Novus and Janvil are beloved brand names. You don't have to use these common grades if you have already sanded with 1000 grit sand paper.

If you have not used sandpapers, then you can use a soft cotton cloth, an old bed sheet, high capability sanding papers, or an old pair of cotton jeans comes in handy. Damp your cloth a bit and use ¼ spoon of fine grade polish powder on the cloth. Use your thumb while polishing. Start rubbing the crystal in a circular motion. Be sure to clean and rinse before using a distinct grade of sandpaper as even a single grain can ruin your precious watch. To get a absorbing shine, use a polyester or any other synthetic cloth, spray Armour-All (It is a finishing spray that will bring back the glitter and shine on you watch. Again use your thumb in circular frame of eight like motions.

Once you fit back the glass crystal don't forget to clean the rim. There your microscopic precious timepiece is ready to adorn your hand.

Rubbing Scratches Out of Your Glass Watches?

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